The idea behind this type of program is for the customer to refer other customers to purchase the product on a regular monthly basis. The original purchaser will then receive a commission off every product sold by all new recruits, and all the recruits' people as well, all the way down to a certain level. This is also known as a pyramid scheme and has allowed many people to become millionaires from home. Usually the first line of people to sell the business to is family and friends. They may not be interested in pursuing the business opportunity mlm as a career or job, but may enjoy the product being sold. In this case, the person is considered a customer only, not a recruit. The business opportunity network marketing person will still receive a percentage commission of the sale of any products purchased by customers.
This product or service should itself be a highly rated consumer organization. They don't have to spend money advertising the product because the programs are the way they sell the product. Instead the company selling the product uses the revenue allocated for advertising and gives it as commissions to all the business opportunity network marketing professionals. In addition to just standing behind the product and making commissions on products sold, the company may offer incentives, bonuses, trips, seminars, conferences, and vacations for their professionals. Most companies distribute a publication that lists the status of its members, and the wonderful bonuses and incentives received, as well as any new incentive programs, as they frequently change to motivate all types of professionals.
These incentives can sometimes double or triple a professional's paycheck for the month. Most business opportunity mlm companies pay marketers on a monthly basis. At the end of the year, 1099 forms are distributed which reveal the total amount of income earned. Most companies do not take out taxes for marketers. This is done because most marketers can utilize tax deductions as an Independent Contractor. Tax deductions that are commonplace to these professionals are home office expenses, telephone and Internet expenses, mandatory product purchase expenses, mileage expenses, conference or seminar expenses, and any other expenses that qualify.
It is advised that all people, who receive a 1099 form at the end of the year, make an appointment with a tax professional (CPA, Tax Attorney, IRS Enrolled Agent). A tax professional can individually prepare a tax return that will benefit them. As always, when choosing a company to sign an agreement with, precautions should be taken. These precautions include adequate research on the organization itself, ratings from the BBB or Better Business Bureau, and a review of public financial statements. A wise person will not jump into a career decision without first evaluating his/her options and motivations. "Through wisdom a house is builded; and by understanding it is established." (Proverbs 24:3)
The more people that are recruited to engage in this opportunity, the more money the original marketer will receive. The profits that can be made from simple business opportunity mlm are staggering. Most people at least make enough to pay for their monthly product purchase requirement. If they take the opportunity to the next level and treat it as a job, then they will make more money. With the use of advanced telecommunications such as the Internet and email; advertising can be done to a plethora of individuals around the globe simultaneously for a nominal fee. Programs have exploded, and the potential for vast amounts of income to be made is higher than ever. The key is to operate within a company that is offering a quality product or service.
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