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How does one tell if a long distance relationship is real and sincere?
With the internet as the only means of contact and communication I am puzzled by people who profess their love without physically meeting. What gives here? Are men and woman prey to the advances of their own emotions and each other or are the hunters looking for something else?
Suggestion by Tamika G
1. Ask the important questions at the onset, to make sure you are both clear on the parameters of the relationship. Setting parameters such as naming your relationship ( dating, seeing each other, boyfriend/girlfriend, engaged)as well defining exclusive(limited to one person,) non exclusive. These can be difficult and awkward questions to ask, but will save you great heartache and misunderstanding down the line. Example: ?Are you open to the possibility of relocating if the relationship should become more serious??or ?What are you looking to get out of the relationship??. Stating your end goal or ideas will allow each person to maintain what they need.
2. Communicate in some way every day, more than once if possible. Since you won?t be seeing each other, it?s important to establish and maintain an emotional connection. These don?t always have to be long, in-depth conversations. Tell each other about your little triumphs and tragedies. Ask for advice. Use an instant messenger program or VoIP for real-time chat, or web cams for that visual connection. E-mail is great so make sure you use it, especially if long-distance phone calls put a strain on your budget. Remember that e-mail and even instant messengers can increase the possibility of misunderstandings. Write love letters. Send small gifts or flowers for no reason. In this case, quantity is as important as quality. You may discover an advantage over others whose partner is close at hand ? you don?t take communication for granted!
3. Do things together. Defy the distance. As a long distance couple, it?s important to do other things together besides the usual phone call. In a long distance relationship, interaction over the phone can become dull in the long run. Incorporating other forms of interaction are important. Just think? people in short-distance relationships do not spend the majority of their time talking, but rather doing things with each other. Try to replicate this by finding things to do together such as watching a TV show or movie simultaneously. For an extensive list of more things you can do with each other (or for each other) click here: Over 60 Activities for LDR Couples to Do!
4. Take advantage of the benefits a long distance relationship offers: more time with friends and/or family, no arguments over toothpaste caps, the pleasure of seeing your sweetheart again after a long absence, time to mull your options (rather than snapping at your partner impulsively) before you respond to that email s/he wrote that seemed so rude the first time you read it, etc. Most important, being far apart gives you a chance to maintain your individuality ? something that can get lost in the shuffle when couples spend all their free time together.
5. Pursue common interests, even if it means pursuing them apart. If there?s a movie you?re both interested in seeing, watch it individually and then call each other afterward and talk about it. Read a certain book at the same time. Stargaze while you?re on the phone. Set your watches to go off at the same time every day, and synchronize your alarm with that of your partner. Make it a point to think of each other when your watch goes off, and revel in the fact that he or she is thinking about you, too. Find creative ways to bond.
6. Avoid the temptation to be controlling. People have free will and no one can or should control another person. As long as you are both interested in being in the relationship, you will stick with it and distance will not make a difference. As soon as one of you decides the other is not a good match ? or someone else is a better match ? your relationship ends, whether you live 3000 miles apart, two streets over, or share the same bed with your wedding picture on the wall. You are going to have to trust each other completely if this relationship is going to work.
7. Talk about your future together. Assuming that ultimately you?d want to live together, discussing how you?re going to get to that point will help you prove to each other that the relationship is going somewhere and that your efforts and frustrations are not in vain.
8. Know when to say good-bye. While this is tough in any relationship, this can be especially hard over long distances. When communication becomes one-sided or sparse for too long and for no apparent reason, when arguments (yes, you?ll have them) become too frequent, when the whole thing just seems like more trouble than it?s worth, it?s time to re-evaluate the relationship. You have to remember that for a healthy relationship, no matter how far or close, you must be willing to let go.
9. Remember: things will get better with time, and even the relationship will become better. Have hope.
10. Visit often Try to make the time to visit each other as often as possible or as often as your budget permits you to. A relationship cannot thrive if the only thing you have is the phone calls. You need to see each other up close and person
Suggestion by Jun L
why dont yo track her down and go bang her?
What is the minimum budget for investing in stock market and mutual fund?
I?m looking for long term investment and the things that i want to invest is the green tech company and nanotechnology company. Do you know where can i find the company, broker, and the people for help.
Suggestion by John W
You should budget a portion of your cash flow for investing, a percentage of your salary. The value of a regular stream of money is surprisingly high and is often underestimated, a $ 5 coffee everyday forever has a net present value of $ 61,738.84 at a risk free rate of 3% per annum. That $ 100 a month iPhone contract is kept at $ 100 per month forever has a netpresent value of $ 40,547.06. Basically every kid that upon striking out on their own decides to have the luxuries of cable, iphone and morning Starbuck?s is tossing the equivalent of $ 140,000 away without considering what the value really is.
In general, it?s accepted that you should start with $ 2,000 to $ 3,000 before making your first trade as the commissions will be too high an overhead to overcome with smaller trades but till you accumulate that much, you can contribute to a bond ladder or bond fund in your brokerage account as bonds can be bought in small denominations. There are also some mutual funds where you can start out with very little money too.
Investing is difficult enough as it is, once you start putting restrictions like green companies and dreams like nanotech companies in as requirements, you are severely handicapping yourself and presenting yourself with a seriously steep learning curve in learning how to pick stocks in those sectors. You will get much better returns for your efforts by starting with a total market index fund such as VTI or SPY and just read up on your sectors of interest till you have the capital and the knowledge to strike out on your own.
There are many brokers out there with the better known ones being Fidelity and Schwabs. Banks also offer direct investment accounts though it?s generally acknowledged that a brokerage will give you lower commission rates and be more agnostic with their advice. I?ve seen banks sell geriatrics on good conservative funds that unfortunately would have such a high load that the net effect would be the investment could do no better than a CD.
No one is going to have only your personal finance as their motivations in the investments they recommend, all financial investors are in the business of maximizing fees and commissions. Maximizing your returns is only a matter of being able to continue to maximize those fees and commissions so you really need to try and educate yourself for personal finance and investing. It?s not as difficult as it appears and though you may never be a Warren Buffet, you can certainly do better than following the advice of others.
The advice that you have from Internet forums like this may be free of profit motive for the most part but are predominately from amateurs and should be taken with a grain of salt. You can learn a lot from these forums both from the answers and from trying to answer questions but don?t take advice from the forums, at least not without researching them yourself. Many of the answers are off the cuff and not well thought out, many more are pure hypothesis as we learn on the forum. Many people only try to understand financing because of encountering financial hardships and hence may not actually have had a good track record to date, many have done well but perhaps without a full understanding of why but a fairly strong opinion that they do. You have to look to yourself when it?s your own financial future that?s on the table.
Should Bud Selig be Fired or should congress remove bud selig from Commissioners duties?
In fairness do are we seriously supposed to believe that Bud Selig had no knowledge about steroids in Baseball with it being as widespread as it is (as the Mitchell report produced)??Truthfully we know Bud Selig was a major (monetary) beneficiary of the record shattering home-run records of Sosa and McGwire and with Bonds pursuing Hanks Record, Selig profited greatly from Clemmens being the ?Rocket? even in his 40?s?so then as much as we blast Bonds, McGwire Sosa, and now Clemmens?how have we as fans and the Media respectively let Selig off the hook, why isn?t his name getting lambasted like the players who played under his regime (known as ?The Steroids Era?)
So for clarity my questions are?
Should Bud Selig be removed from Commisioner as MLB?
And does it seem the media is willing to give Selig a free pass with him not receiving nearly the media criticism as Bonds and now Clemmens?
Suggestion by atf666_666
theirs no need because selig is scheduled to retired at the end of the 2009 season and who ever the next commishiner wont be much better because they will also be a puppet of the owners.
But bud will deffinatly know and the commish who took the sport to a new low and a new high. i dont ever see him being enshrined in cooperstown though
Suggestion by Padres in ?08
That?s not how you will spell his last name (Roger?s)? its?
Difficult I know.
Suggestion by F Diddy
Congress does not have the power to ?fire? Bud Selig. Selig is appointed by the owners, and answerable only to them.
Selig will keep his job because he is overwhelmingly popular with the owners. He is one of them, has succeeded in uniting the owners to fight the Players? Union, and baseball has been wildly successful (read: rolling in $ ) during his tenure. Bud Selig will serve as the MLB commissioner for the foreseeable future.
That said, the media is giving Selig a free pass, but that?s just the ?profit motive? at work. No one really cares about Selig, but McGwire, Bonds, Clemens, etc. bring in the viewers/readers/listeners. Players? Union leadership (Donald Fehr, Gene Orza, etc) is also getting a free pass despite fighting steroid testing for the last decade.
Does anyone have tips on how to make a Scorpio and Aquarius relationship work better?
I?m a Scorpio female dating an Aquarius male. Our relationship is very blah, I feel like we?re a married couple already, as far as sex and intimacy goes and it?s only been 3 months.We get along great but I?d like to know how to spice up our relationship.
Suggestion by SSG D
You are seeking advice for something you have already made your mind up about, look elsewhere for what you hope to find and quit making excuses about astrological signs an crap
Suggestion by Mia
Scorpio woman is highly possessive and quite suspicious of her relationships. She can read others quite well while keeping herself hidden until the time comes to where she feels the need to reveal all or part of herself. She may tend to go down a certain path because of the way a past experience has worked out, but this is rare as she is more than patient in waiting for the right time for every decision she makes.
Aquarius man lives his life in a dream state. He is highly independent and will stand behind any decision or promise he makes. He is not one to hide himself or his emotions, which makes him easy to read but will not easily commit himself to anything or anyone if he does not care to.
Aquarius man appear to be ?out there in left field? when it comes to reality but the Scorpio woman who loves him will see this as a breath of fresh air and see it as contributing to her otherwise down to earth and practical lifestyle. Since she tends to suppress any emotion, refusing to give it up for the rest of the world to read and he is a plethora of excitement, dreams, ideas and antics, together they seem to mold to each other giving the perfect qualities to a bond well formed. There may be times when she will let a bad past experience get in the way of their path together, but his ability to go with the flow of things will help her get around such blocks and continue with her Aquarius male as they skip down that path hand in hand.
Unfortunately, Scorpio female?s need to be close during sexual intimacy will not easily be found in Aquarius man. He will appear to be detached from her and the situation, even though his thoughts are merely up in the clouds where they feel at home the most. She should know that he does not do this because of her. He is merely happier this way. This will cause her heartache which will, in turn, cause a rise in her suspicion and jealousy. Her best bet would be to show him she can be as close a friend as she can be a lover. This will, in turn, give her a better lover in him. If he can trust his lover, his thoughts will no longer be in la la land as they will be too busy being focused on her.
Problems will arise between the two when Scorpio woman tries to bind Aquarius man from his freedom, something he feels is his given right to have. He will rebel against these ties and hurt her feelings. She will, in turn, show anger, jealousy and rage and even go along through life as if he does not?t even exist. She will draw her feelings back and hide them deep within her and appear to not care as to whether he does what he wants to do or not. To break the intensity between them, Aquarius man will have to step up and do so. If he can turn back toward Scorpio woman in hopes she has learned to deal with his freedom issues, he?ll be able to help her in making amends, however if not, there will be the issues of him losing his self control. She may appear to be composed toward him on the outside, but deep within her anger still rages on. Without proper communication, they will not be able to come to terms with the problems that arise in this aspect.
In a mutual bond between the two, they can each learn from the other one. Aquarius man?s weaknesses are Scorpio woman?s strengths as her weaknesses are his strengths. He can teach her to be a bit more free and not such a stickler when it comes to putting her foot down with suspicion and possessiveness. She, in turn, can show him a bit more self control when it comes to losing his cool. What happens in the end is as unpredictable as the future.
Suggestion by Trinity
Well, I?m a scorpio woman and I don?t think Aquarius? are a very good match for us. at least not for me. they aren?t very romantic. not nearly as romantic/passionate as a scorpio. they lack the emotion scorpios possess and desire. good luck.
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